• Non-Obamacare Health Plan: Top Reasons Why It Is the Right Insurance Plan for Healthy People

    Eleven years ago, the Affordable Care Act became a law in the United States. This move was primarily a result of President Obama's administration attempting to make healthcare affordable and accessible.  The Affordable Care Act primarily serves people with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes or heart complications. The Affordable Care Act led to the introduction of what is commonly known as Obamacare. An alternative to Obamacare is non-Obamacare health insurance. 
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  • Is a Supplemental Plan Right for Your Parent?

    If you are an adult child of someone over 65, they may turn to you for help with choosing their Medicare plan. This can be challenging, since you may not have had the time to study out the different plans. If you want to help your parents, here are a few things that may help you to determine if a supplemental plan would be a good choice for your parent. 
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  • Important Qualities To Remember When Selecting New Health Insurance

    As open enrollment approaches, you may wonder if it would benefit you to select a new policy. Your current coverage may not offer you the services and benefits that you and your family need.  However, before you abandon it, you need to know how to shop for and choose new health insurance services. You can select a new health insurance policy by discovering what factors are most important to you and your family's overall safety and wellness.
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  • Advice For Choosing A Medicare Advantage Plan

    Medicare is an important health insurance program for certain individuals that qualify for it. Even still, it doesn't cover everything, and that's why Medicare Advantage plans exist. They're supplementary coverage that you'll have no trouble getting if you do these things.  Know That Not All Plans Work the Same Just like traditional health insurance plans, not all Medicare Advantage plans work the same. Some may cover certain things like prescription drugs, and others may cover something completely different.
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  • Frequently Asked Medicaid Enrollment Questions

    Medicaid is one of the most important government benefit programs available as it can allow low-income individuals to receive the medical care that they need. Unfortunately, there are many individuals that may fail to utilize this program because they don't understand its eligibility requirements or the types of benefits that it can provide. Can Anyone Enroll In Medicaid? It should be noted that Medicaid is typically only available for those that are considered to be low income.
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  • 3 Things That You Need to Know When Enrolling for a Medicare Plan

    When you grow older, your body becomes weaker and, therefore, more susceptible to disease and opportunistic infections. You need to always be prepared, and there is no better way to do it than to invest in a great medical plan. Medicare is the most convenient health care plan for people over the age of 65. The federal government put it in place after realizing that a lot of older people get shortchanged by the regular insurance schemes because they become more difficult to enroll in as you get older.
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  • When Do I Sign Up For Medicare?

    If you are turning 65 soon, you are probably worried about getting signed up for Medicare. Many people are unsure about the timeline for signing up, along with how to do it. Does Part B automatically happen? Or is that Part A? What about Part D? While every situation is different a lot of the information for how to sign up for this new epoch of health insurance can be found here.
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  • Tips For Maximizing Your Medicare Prescription Coverage

    Making it a point to take prescription medications can be essential for managing a variety of health problems. For individuals who are enrolled in Medicare, it is particularly important to be mindful of their prescription medication needs and the type of coverage that basic Medicare will offer. Understand That Prescription Coverage Is Unlikely To Be Provided By Basic Medicare Plans It is important for individuals that are anticipating needing prescription medications on a regular basis to appreciate that basic Medicare coverage will have limited or no coverage for most prescription medications.
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  • What Should Former Medicare "Plan F" Beneficiaries Know In 2020?

    Medicare Plan F, often termed the "Cadillac supplement," was eliminated effective January 1, 2020. For those who entered the new year with a valid Plan F, it may be possible to remain "grandfathered in" to this plan; but once the beneficiary selects a different Medigap policy, Plan F is lost forever. Learn more about what Plan F beneficiaries should know in 2020 and beyond. Can Plan F beneficiaries keep this plan?
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  • How To Get The Most Out Of Your Health Insurance

    In this day and age, it's important for you to have health insurance; especially if you have kids. Although there are alternatives to health insurance out there like Christian ministries, regular health insurance does have its own benefits. But because health insurance costs can be kind of high in costs, there are a few different things that you can do to get the most out of it.  Get a Plan With a Low Deductible
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